Friday, February 24, 2012

Like, totally.

We as Californians need to break our terrible 'like' habit.  Next time you are talking to someone, or listening to someone speak (such as my English 306 class), LISTEN very carefully to how many times a person will use 'like' to like, talk man.
And just like that, BAM. Now you will notice every time someone uses 'like' excessively and make it your personal goal to write down just how many times someone uses it in their sentence.  Muah wahahahaha!

....I'm at 104 in an hour-long class discussion.

It's ANNOYING.  All regions have a specific way of talking, or a phrase everyone uses, a little quirk that belongs to that area, but LIKE is like, terribly like annoying, like my little brother.  (Just kidding, he's not annoying...anymore) When you use 'like' in a simile, it is completely acceptable, but like when you like use like to like say what you are like trying to say, it's just unprofessional.  Most people don't notice until you point it out...But when you do notice, you will summon all will power to stop yourself from using it in a sentence.  I know I have! It's hard.  I'm trying to break myself of pronouncing 'well' like 'wool', as my lovely boyfriend points out every time I say 'well': "Sheep!? Where are the sheep! I don't see any sheep!" 
Anyways, now that I've shattered your little glass bubble, you'll notice every time someone uses like, and maybe that will help you to stop using it.  Hey, I'm optimistic!

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