Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Oh-So Elusive Job

Job hunting.  My body cringes in horror every time I hear this phrase.  You might as well go to the dentist because job hunting certainly feels like you're getting teeth pulled-with no happy juice.  Being a full-time student with a 16-unit work load, I can only work so often.  So, with my current job, that means only weekends. (They have a set shift schedule which doesn't work around your school schedule) And although working weekends pays the bills, with the economy as it is, not a lot of people shop at my store, so my hours have been cut.  Hence, job hunting. Alas! The finicky and elusive job!
It is so frustrating! I am now one year away from getting my B.A., so my schedule is of utmost importance.  Thus making it extremely hard to find work that works around my schedule.  Or even find work at all.  Do you know how many job hunting websites there are?! SO many.  And they're of little help.  This goes for scholarship websites as well!  Booooooo! I have literally applied for upwards of 25 different jobs and scholarships.  How many phone calls have I received? One.  Which was a total dud.  They did not want to work around my school schedule, going as far as to imply I should quit school.  So I politely refused. What is a girl to do?

What was your worst job hunting encounter?

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