Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pooper Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl..more like Pooper Bowl. Psh. I don't watch sports. Except for the Olympics but that is every four years. Sports? Not my thing. I don't understand the infatuation nor the money spent on watching grown-ass men playing with leather balls. To me, watching sports is a way to feel connected with something you'll never be able to do. Actually playing sorts makes me imagine that they are overcompensating for something... I dunno. Anyways, today at work a lot of customers would come up to me and say: "Who are you voting for?" and I'd reply, ever so fondly: "No one! I'm boycotting the Super Bowl!" At which point some poor old soul looked offended and turned away without another word. Personally, the only games I'll ever watch are the Packers games because James' uncle was a huge fan. (He passed away in 2009) So we watch in his honor. You can imagine we were pretty stoked when they went last year and kicked butt. And then this year! Until they lost to the Giants. Boo frickin hoo. Sooo when Super Bowl rolled around, I was not in front of my tv watching the game.. James and I went on an adventure around town. Which I think was much more fruitful than the stupid game. Next year, if the Packers go, then you'll see me screaming my head off for Matthews and Rogers. Yeah! By the way, I've always loved cheese so we're totally meant to be.

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